International Conference on Robust Statistics



12-17 June 2005  

Invited Speakers and Participants








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Invited Speakers, Participants and Abstracts


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Workshop on Nonparametrical Statistical Methods


Invited Speakers

Olcay Arslan (University of Cukurova, Turkey):
"Robust statistical modeling using the skew t-distributions"

Probal Chaudhuri (Indian Statistical Institute, India):
"Data depth and discriminant analysis"

Andreas Christmann (University of Dortmund, Germany):
"Robust learning from bites"

Frank Critchley (The Open University, UK) (with A. Pires and C. Amado):
"Principal axis analysis"

Christophe Croux (Catholic University Leuven, Belgium) (with G. Haesbroeck and K. Joossens):
"Influence analysis of error rates: logistic discrimination"

Laurie Davies (University of Essen, Germany):
"Financial data as an example of model choice"

Rudi Dutter (Vienna University of Technology, Austria):
"Computation with R: Applications in geochemical analysis"

Peter Filzmoser (Vienna University of Technology, Austria) (with S. Serneels, C. Croux and P.J. Van Espen):
"Partial robust M-regression"

Ursula Gather (University of Dortmund, Germany):
"Breakdown and groups revisited"

Marc Hallin (University Libre Bruxelles, Belgium) (with C. Vermandele and B.J.M. Werker):
"Semiparametrically efficient inference based on signs and ranks for median
restricted models"

Xuming He (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) (with Colin Chen):
"Lower rank approximation of matrices based on fast and robust alternating

Thomas Hettmansperger (Pennsylvania State University) (with Ryan Elmore):
"A multivariate test for location based on elliptical depth"

Mia Hubert (Catholic University Leuven, Belgium) (with B. Vandewalle, J. Beirlant and A. Christmann):
"A robust estimator for the tail index of Pareto-type distributions"

Jana Jurečková (Charles University Prague, Czech Republic):
"Regression quantiles and Hajek's rank scores"

Ricardo Maronna (National University of La Plata, Argentina) (with V.J. Yohai and A.J. Villar):
"Choosing a multivariate estimate for high dimensional data"

Joe McKean (Western Michigan University, USA):
"Rank-based procedures for repeated measure designs"

Ivan Mizera (University of Alberta, Canada):
"Robust functional estimation"

Erkki Oja (Technical University of Helsinki, Finland):
"Independent component analysis: algorithms and applications"

Daniel Peña (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain) (with J. Prieto):
"Combining random and specific directions for robust estimation of
high-dimensional multivariate data"

Ana Pires (Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal) (with C.M. Santos-Pereira):
"Using clustering and robust estimators to detect outliers in multivariate

Marco Riani (University of Parma, Italy) (with S. Salini):
"Robust and efficient multivariate calibration"

Elvezio Ronchetti (University of Geneve, Switzerland):
"Robust second-order accurate inference for generalized linear models"

Peter Rousseeuw (University of Antwerp, Belgium) (with G. Brys and M. Hubert):
"Robust independent component analysis"

Simon Sheather (Texas A&M University, USA)(with K. Crimin and J.W. McKean):
"Discriminant procedures based on efficient robust discriminant

David Tyler (Rutgers University, USA):
"Invariant coordinate selection (ICORS): A robust perspective on independent components analysis (ICA)"

Stefan Van Aelst (Ghent University, Belgium) (with J. Khan and R.H. Zamar):
"Robust variable selection based on least angle regression"

Victor Yohai (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina) (with M. Salibián-Barrera):
"A fast algorithm for S-estimates of regression"

Yijun Zuo (Arizona State University, USA):
"A trimmed mean with a random fraction of trimmed points"


Claudio Agostinelli:
"Estimation using the disparity measure related to the robust identification

Conceição Amado (with A.M. Pires):
"Robust bootstrap criterion for variable selection in LDA"

Dimitar Atanasov:
"On the standard error of some classes of robust estimators"

Jose R. Berrendero (with A. Cuevas and F. Vázquez):
"Testing multivariate uniformity: the distance-to-boundary method"

Daria Busarova:
"Robust multivariate regression"

Michiel Debruyne (with M. Hubert):
"The influence function of Stahel-Donoho type methods for robust PCA"

Catherine Dehon (with F. Alqallaf, C. Croux and R. Zamar):
"On the robustness of non-parametric correlation measures"

Sanne Engelen (with M. Hubert):
"A robust PARAFAC method"

R. Cüneyt Erenoğlu (with Ş. Hekimoğlu):
"Estimation of parameters for linear regression using median estimator"

Zdeněk Fabián:
"Johnson descriptive statistics"

Andres Farall  (with G. Boente):
"Robust multivariate tolerance region: influence function and Monte Carlo study"

Alfonso García-Pérez:
"Chi-square and F tests with models close to the normal"

Alfonso Gordaliza (with L.A. García-Escudero):
"Adaptive trimmed k-means for heterogenous groups"

Christian Hennig:
"Robustness concepts for general clustering methods"

Dirk Hoorelbeke (with H. Dewachter and K. Smedts):
"Robust estimation of Jensen's alpha"

Kristel Joossens:
"Error rates for multiple group robust linear discriminant analysis"

Jan Kalina (with P.L. Davies):
"Locating landmarks in the face"

Hendrik Kläver:
"Testing for stochastic dominance using circular block methods"

Steven Kou (with C.C. Heyde):
"The controversy over tailweight of distributions
and a robust measure of tailweight"

Salim Lardjane:
"Nonparametric density estimation for reversed chaotic signals"

Agustín Mayo-Iscar (with J.A. Cuesta and C. Matran):
"New perspectives for robust estimation in the normal mixture model"

Stephan Morgenthaler:
"Estimates for very small samples"

Nora Muler (with D. Pena and V.J. Yohai):
"Robust estimates for ARMA models"

Neyko Neykov (with P. Filzmoser, R. Dimova and P. Neytchev):
"Trimmed likelihood fitting of mixture models"

Jukka Nyblom:
"Exponential smoothing based on ranks"

Marek Omelka:
"Second order asymptotics for R-estimators and M-estimators for a simple
linear regression"

Juan Fco. Ortega:
"A robust alternatives to the covariance"

Jan Picek:
"Hill's estimator based on two-step regression quantiles"

Sebastien Populaire (with P. Girard):
"Robust statistics applied to the validation of analytical methods"

John Randal:
"Robust scale estimation in finite samples"

Isabel Rodrigues (with G. Boente and A.M. Pires):
"Robust tests for the common principal components model"

Ella Roelant (with S. Van Aelst):
"An L1-type estimator of multivariate location and shape"

Peter Ruckdeschel:
"Optimally one-sided bounded ICs"

Peter Ruckdeschel (with M. Kohl):
"R-packages for infinitesimal robustness"

Matías Salibián-Barrera:
"A robust fit for generalized additive models"

Georgy Shevlyakov (with V.I. Shin and K. Kim):
"A radical stable M-estimator of a correlation coefficient for a bivariate
normal distribution"

Sanjoy Sinha:
"Robust analysis of mixed models for longitudinal data"

Seija Sirkiä (with H. Oja):
"ICA with symmetrized M-estimators of scatter"

Manuela Souto de Miranda (with H. Miranda):
"Assessing the mean stationarity condition in a geostatistical process"

Vessela Stoimenova:
"Robust parametric estimation of branching processes with random number of

Maria Szretter (with V. Yohai):
"A robust proposal for sliced inverse regression"

Valentin Todorov:
"Robust selection of variables in the linear discriminant analysis"

Yury Tyurin:
"Testing approximate statistical hypotheses"

Mark van de Wiel (with K.I. Kim):
"Estimating the false discovery rate for interval null-hypotheses using
nonparametric deconvolution"

Roy Welsch (with L. McCann and C. Liberty):
"Robust Sabermetrics"

Gert Willems (with S. Van Aelst and M. Salibián-Barrera):
"Robust PCA with bootstrap based on MM-estimators"

Jan Víšek:
"Consistency of instrumental weighted variables"

Masoud Yarmohammadi:
"Robust estimates for ARIMA models and their applications for detection of outliers"